Humans are dependent of oil, for fuel, warmth and electricity. There is a restricted amount of oil and we use loads. We have used most of the oil on the surface an now we are digging deep into the sea. Oil is marine snow which is dead plankton and marine life that is millions of years old, if it does not turn into oil it turns into limestone. People build oil rigs to pump up the oil out of the seafloor. There were about 570 oil rigs in the North sea in april 2012.
Shark fin soup is a popular delicacy. But the fishing method is crude. The fishers catch the sharks, cut off the fins and throw the finless shark back into the water. Sure it would be ok if they used the whole shark and didn't waste the rest. Sharks cant swim without their fins and it would be better to eat the whole shark and fish up less of them. You should do that or not fish them at all.
The sea is a dump. Humans throw a lot of there rubbish in the sea. We throw about 6400000000kg
( about 14 billion pounds) of rubbish into the ocean every year. It is life threatening for all animals that mistake it for food! A turtle can mistake a plasticbag for a jellyfish, so it will eat it and suffocate.
you have started off well, looking forward to reading more...